Get Voice Report Pushed by Platform


user configured HTTP push address

After our operators configure the customer's HTTP push address, the platform will generates a status report on the voice bill and actively pushes it to the corresponding address of the customer.
Push Parameters
Parameters Description Type
voiceId Record unique ID String
type Service type: 1-group call, 2-verification code, 3-telephone call, 4-telephone direct dialing Int
callee Called number String
displayNum Display number String
submitTime Submission time (millisecond timestamp) long
callTime Call time (millisecond timestamp) long
ringingTime Ring time (millisecond timestamp) long
answerTime Answer Time(millisecond timestamp) long
hangupTime Hang up time (millisecond timestamp) long
callDuration Call duration (seconds) Int
chargedDuration Billing duration (seconds) Int
billPeriod Billing cycle: 20+20, 60+60 String
code Regional operators String
voiceFileId Voice file ID String
rate Rate(USD) String
baseCost Base Cost(USD) String
cost Cost USD(USD) String
terminationCode Status code: 0- success, other- failures String
terminationReason Status code description String
sipCode Sip code String
feedbackValue Button feedback (-1:nothing; non-1: button) String
calledInfo Called information, 0-1000 characters String
ringDuration Ringing duration String
currency Quoted currency, EUR/USD (valued when the quoted currency is not USD) String
settleRate Local currency rate (valued when the quoted currency is not USD) String
quoteExchange Client-side quoted exchange rate (valued when the quoted currency is not USD) String
settlePay Consumption amount in local currency (valued when the quoted currency is not USD) String
Push Sample
Request URL:
    user configured HTTP push address
Request Method:
Request Headers:
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Request Body:
    "voiceId": "22121121451211349002",
    "type": 1,
    "callee": "63123456788",
    "displayNum": "6311012125",
    "submitTime": 1670939112097,
    "callTime": 1670939568000,
    "ringingTime": 1670939570000,
    "answerTime": 1670939582000,
    "hangupTime": 1670939595000,
    "chargedDuration": 20,
    "callDuration": 13,
    "billPeriod": "20+20",
    "code": "India(Karnataka)",
    "voiceFileId": "12043042052c5b61378df42324286fe4a4ace40ve.mp3",
    "rate": "0.023625",
    "baseCost": "0.0",
    "costEur": "0.007875",
    "terminationCode": "0",
    "terminationReason": "Called hang up",
    "settleRate": "1.2793",
    "quoteExchange": "0.938",

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