Interface Specification

  • Interface Request URL:
  • Interface Request Header Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
  • The interface uses the 'Sign' parameter for signature verification, and the 'Sign' is placed in the headers of the request.
  • Request Header Parameters:
  • Header Parameter Description Type
    Content-Type application/json;charset=UTF-8 String
    Sign The encrypted signature, see sign signature rules String
    Timestamp The current system timestamp (in seconds) String
    Api-Key API authentication name (Account Management – App Management -appId properties) String

    Example headers:

    { "Content-Type":"application/json;charset=UTF-8", "Sign":"05d7a50893e22a5c4bb3216ae3396c7c", "Timestamp":"1630468800", "Api-Key":"bDqJFiq9" }
  • The response data is uniformly returned in JSON format.
  • Parameters Description Type
    status Response result status code. 0 indicates success, others indicate failure. String
    reason Description of the failure reason. String

    Success Example:

    { "status":"0", "reason":"success" }

    Failure Example:

    { "status":"-16", "reason":"timestamp expires" }
Sign Signature Rules

Generate an MD5-32 bit string (case insensitive) as the signature using the API authentication name + API authentication secret key + Timestamp current system timestamp (in seconds).


API authentication name: bDqJFiq9

API authentication secret key: 7bz1lzh9

Timestamp current system timestamp (in seconds): 1630468800

MD5(bDqJFiq97bz1lzh91630468800): 05d7a50893e22a5c4bb3216ae3396c7c

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