Voice Group Call Task Creation



Create a voice group call task.
Request Parameters
Parameters Description Required Type
appId App id Yes String
displayNum Display number 0-20 digits, blank allowed No String
taskName The task name is 2-64 in length and cannot be repeated Yes String
numberList Called number A maximum of 20w mobile phone numbers. Multiple mobile phone numbers are separated by commas (,). Each mobile phone number consists of 7 to 15 digits: country code + mobile phone number. Yes List<String>
source File source (1- uploaded file, 2- reuploaded voice file, 3- text-to-speech) Yes Integer
voiceFileId Voice file ID source=1 Must pass String
uploadName Name of the uploaded file, 5-32 characters in length source=2 Required String
baseFile base64 file stream source=2 Required String
text File contents: tts text Max 1000 source=3 Required String
lan Convert language source equals 3 Required Language code [ Vietnamese: VN, English: EN, Japanese: JP, Arabic: ARB, German: DE, Hindi: IN, Italian: IT, South Korea: KR, Russia: RU, Spain: ES, Portugal: PT, Indonesian: IDN, Bangladesh: BD Thai: TH ] source=3 Required String
sendTime Scheduled call time (null for immediate calls) No LocalDateTime
loopCount Default 1 broadcast maximum 9 Yes Integer
maxCalls Maximum call duration, n seconds after connection forced hang up maximum 999 seconds No Integer
hangUpSms Trigger hang up SMS 0- no, 1- Yes No Integer
smsAppId SMS app primary key hangUpSms=1, required String
smsContent Text message content maximum 1000 characters hangUpSms=1, required String
senderId Sender ID Max 32 characters No String
feedbackPush Button feedback Push SMS: 0- no, 1- yes hangUpSms=1, (feedbackPush, successPush, failedPush, ringPush) This parameter is mandatory Integer
feedbackValue Feedbackvalue: 0-9 feedbackPush =1, required String
successPush Call success Push Send SMS: 0- no, 1- yes hangUpSms=1, (feedbackPush, successPush, failedPush, ringPush) This parameter is mandatory Integer
successPushTime Number of seconds after successful call push SMS message minimum 0s Maximum 9999 successPush=1, which is mandatory Integer
failedPush Failed call Push SMS: 0- No, 1- yes hangUpSms=1, (feedbackPush, successPush, failedPush, ringPush) This parameter is mandatory Integer
ringPush Ring successfully push SMS: 0- No, 1- yes hangUpSms=1, (feedbackPush, successPush, failedPush, ringPush) This parameter is mandatory Integer
toSeat Toseat or not :0- no, 1- Yes No Integer
sipGroupId Agent group id Required when toSeat=1 Integer
outboundControl Outgoing Call controller, 1- proportional outgoing call Required when toSeat=1 Integer
calloutRate Outgoing call multiplier, up to 1-100 Required when toSeat=1 Integer
toSeatType Switch to seat condition, 1 transfer after the group call ends, 2 transfer according to key feedback, When toSeat=1, this parameter is required Integer
toSeatKey Toseatkey Required when toSeat=1 and toSeatType=2 Integer
allowSendTime Allow sendtime 3 Add up to 3 time periods that can be sent No List
strTime Start time HH:SS No String
endTime End time HH:SS No String
Request Sample
Request URL:
Request Method:
Request Headers:
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Sign: 05d7a50893e22a5c4bb3216ae3396c7c
    Timestamp: 1630468800
    Api-Key: bDqJFiq9
Request Body:
    "appId": "iaAJ6COV",
    "taskName": "2024-06-03 10:42:0511",
    "source": 3,
    "loopCount": 1,
    "maxCalls": 40,
    "hangUpSms": 1,
    "toSeat": 1,
    "sipGroupId": 1000019,
    "outboundControl": 1,
    "calloutRate": 1,
    "toSeatKey": 0,
    "toSeatType": 2,
    "sendTime": "2024-06-21 00:00:00",
    "text": "Mã xác nhận của bạn là 22294",
    "smsAppId": "9obbP7Nl",
    "senderId": "123",
    "smsContent": "123",
    "feedbackValue": 0,
    "successPushTime": 10,
    "feedbackPush": 0,
    "successPush": 0,
    "failedPush": 0,
    "ringPush": 1,
    "lan": "VN",
    "displayNum": "1008122211",
    "allowSendTime": [
            "strTime": "18:28",
            "endTime": "19:28"
Response Parameters
Parameters Description Type
code "0"means successful, others than 0 means failure, seeing Status Code description. String
msg Failure reason description String
data This method returns the keyId Integer
Request Sample
Response Status Code
status Description
0 success
-1 Authentication error
-2 Restricted IP access
-16 Timestamp expires
-18 Port program unusual
-20 Data existing
-21 Data validation exception
-22 Parameter exception
-23 Data caps
-24 Data unexisting
-26 Getting fee faily
-35 No number called
-37 The group call task you submitted exceeds the maximum concurrent task limit. Please complete the task before submitting again!
-38 Conversion text and language type are required
-39 Failed to obtain the text language type
-41 Task name already exists
-46 The maximum number of long text-to-speech conversions per day is 5. You have used up all of them. Please contact the business department for processing.
-53 The trigger condition for the on-hook SMS must have one

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