Backfill Rate


Used to receive the specified application backfill rate.
Push Parameters
Parameters Description Required Type
appId App ID (Account Management – App Management - appId properties) Yes String
mcc Country code Yes String
value Backfilling rate between [0-100]%, with a maximum of two decimal places Yes String
pushNumber Backfill count, 0 to maximum 32-bit positive integer No String
pushBaseNumber Backfill base, 0 to maximum 32-bit positive integer No String
Request Sample
Request URL:
Request Method:
Request Headers:
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Sign: 05d7a50893e22a5c4bb3216ae3396c7c
    Timestamp: 1630468800
    Api-Key: bDqJFiq9
Request Body:
Response Parameters
Parameters Description Type
status "0"means successful, others than 0 means failure, seeing Status Code description. String
reason Failure reason description String

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