Parameters | Description | Type |
callid | Record unique identification | String |
number | Number | String |
type | Number type: MOBILE, FIXED | String |
caller | Caller | String |
called | Called | String |
ccode | Called country code | String |
country | Called country | String |
callSource | Call source: 2- Incoming, 3- outgoing | Integer |
callDuration | Call duration | Integer |
chargedDuration | Billable hours | Integer |
startTime | Call start time | String |
endTime | End of call time | String |
pay | Amount spent (quoted currency) | Double |
recordingFileId | Recording file URL | String |
customerRate | Rate (quoted currency) | String |
sipCode | Hang-up reason status code | String |
hangupReason | Hangup reason Description | String |
appId | App ID | String |
chargedPeriod | Charging period | String |
Request URL:
http push address specified by the user
Request Method:
Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Request Body:
"number": "915027021995",
"ccode": "91",
"country": "India",
"startTime":"2024-01-01 09:00:00",
"endTime":"2024-01-01 09:00:10",
"sipCode": "20",
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