Parameters | Description | Required | Type |
current | Current page number: 1-N | Yes | Int |
size | Number displayed on each page: 1-100 | Yes | Int |
params | Parameters on each page | Yes | JSONObject |
strTime | Query starting time, ISO8601 standard time format: 2022-01-01T00:00:00+08:00 | Yes | String |
endTime | Query end time, ISO8601 standard time format: 2022-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 | Yes | String |
sipGroupName | Agent group name | No | String |
seatNameList | Agent name | No | Array[String] |
callType | Call type, 1-group call to agent, 2-incoming call, 3-outgoing call | No | Array[Int] |
hangupReason | Reason for hanging up, 0-outgoing call not answered, 1-outgoing call hung up, 2-transfer ringing and hanging up, 3-transfer successful hanging up, 4-call abnormality, 5-called operator has no service, 6- The called party is not in the service area, 7-the called party is busy, 8-the incoming call was not answered, 9-the incoming call was hung up |
No | Array[Int] |
calledOrCaller | Caller/Called | No | String |
ccode | Country code | No | Array[String] |
hangingDirection | Hang up direction, 0-customer hangs up, 1-agent hangs up, 3-system hangs up | No | Array[Int] |
labelNames | tags | No | Array[String] |
Request URL:
Request Method:
Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Sign: 05d7a50893e22a5c4bb3216ae3396c7c
Timestamp: 1630468800
Api-Key: bDqJFiq9
Request Body:
"labelNames":["Intended customers","High level"]
Parameters | Description | Type |
status | "0"means successful, others than 0 means failure, seeing Status Code description. | String |
reason | Failure reason description | String |
data | Data on each page | JSONObject |
total | Total record number | Int |
size | Number displayed on each page | Int |
current | Current page number | Int |
pages | Total pages | Int |
records | Data collection | JSONArray |
callId | Call id, the return value of calling the phone interface can be associated with this value (only the call records generated by calling the phone interface have values) | String |
callSessionId | Session id, record unique ID | String |
called | called | String |
calledInfo | Called information | String |
caller | caller | String |
ccode | Country code | String |
ccodeName | Country name | String |
agentName | Agent name | String |
agentGroupName | Agent group name | String |
callDuration | Call duration (seconds) | String |
callType | Call type, 1-group call to agent, 2-incoming call, 3-outgoing call | String |
hangupCode | Sip code | String |
hangupReason | Reason for hanging up, 0-outgoing call not answered, 1-outgoing call hung up, 2-transfer ringing and hanging up, 3-transfer successful hanging up, 4-call abnormality, 5-called operator has no service, 6- The called party is not in the service area, 7-the called party is busy, 8-the incoming call was not answered, 9-the incoming call was hung up |
Int |
hangingDirection | Hang up direction, 0-customer hangs up, 1-agent hangs up, 3-system hangs up | Int |
agentGroupName | Agent group name | String |
labels | tags | Arrays[String] |
callStartTime | Call start time, format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | String |
answerTime | Answering time, format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | String |
callEndTime | Call end time, format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | String |
voiceUrl | Recording URL | String |
"status": "0",
"reason": "success",
"data": {
"records": [{
"callId": "23112023430531500001",
"callSessionId": "23112023432602510",
"called": "91861****978737",
"calledInfo": "Test data test data",
"caller": "91778800001",
"ccode": "91",
"ccodeName": "India",
"agentName": "0705C049_053",
"agentGroupName": "agentGroupName",
"callDuration": 12,
"callType": 3,
"hangingDirection": 1,
"hangupReason": 1,
"labels": ["tag1"],
"remark": "Remark message",
"callStartTime": "2023-11-20 23:43:12",
"answerTime": "2023-11-20 23:43:14",
"callEndTime": "2023-11-20 23:43:26",
"voiceUrl": ""
"total": 1,
"size": 20,
"current": 1
status | Description |
0 | success |
-1 | Authentication error |
-2 | Restricted IP access |
-16 | Timestamp expires |
-18 | Port program unusual |
-22 | Parameter exception |
-25 | Out of time range |
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